Haotian Huang's Homepage

About Me

Welcome to my homepage! I am Haotian Huang. I am a senior-year undergraduate student major in mathmathics at Sun Yat-sen University.

Currently, I’m a research intern supervised by Yisen Wang. I am interested in self-supervised learning, both theory and application.


  • 2024.4: A paper Autoregressive and Mask SSL has been accepted by ICML 2024.
  • 2024.2: I have received offers for the NUS Master of Science (Mathematics) and NUS Master of Science in Data Science and Machine Learning.
  • 2023.10: I won the National Scholarship in the 2022-2023 academic year (3 awardees among undergraduates in School of Mathematicals, Top 1%).
  • 2023.1: I won the First prize in Chinese Mathematics Competitions for College Students (Guangdong Division).

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